The Ten Secret
The FIRST secret - the power of THOUGHT.
Love begins with our thoughts. We become what we think about.
Loving thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationships.
Affirmations can change our beliefs and thoughts about others and
ourselves. If we want to love someone, we need to consider his or
her needs and desires.
Thinking about your ideal partner will help you recognise her when
you meet her.

The SECOND secret - the power of RESPECT.
You cannot love anyone or anything unless you first respect them.
The first person you need to respect is yourself.
To begin to gain self-respect, ask yourself, What do I respect about
To gain respect for others, even those you may dislike, ask
yourself, What do I respect about them?

The THIRD secret - the power of GIVING.
If you want to receive love, all you have to do is give it!
The more love you give, the more you will receive.
To love is to give of yourself, freely and unconditionally.
Practice random acts of kindness.
Before committing to a relationship ask not what the other person
will be able to give to you, but rather what will you be able to give
The secret formula of a happy, lifelong, loving relationship is to
always focus on what you can give instead of what you can take.

The FOURTH secret - the power of FRIENDSHIP.
To find a true love, you must first find a true friend.
Love does not consist of gazing into each other's eyes, but rather
looking outward together in the same direction.
To love someone completely you must love him or her for who they
are and not for what they look like.
Friendship is the soil through which love seeds grow.
If you want to bring love into a relationship, you must first bring

The FIFTH secret - the power of TOUCH.
Touch is one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down
barriers and bonding relationships.
Touch changes our physical and emotional states and makes us more
receptive to love.